Dangerous Prayers


We definitely need to pray prayers where we need Jesus to show up. Ask for His presence, His power and his Peace to intervene in our lives. But we shouldn’t stop there. Ask not what God can do for you, but ask God what you can do for him. What if we prayed, perhaps, the most dangerous prayer all? God, SEND me.

Tim Fisher, Lead Pastor

January 21, 2022

Break ME

Life’s greatest breakings often lead to God’s greatest blessings. In these stories with Jesus, something is broken so that something else can be released. Don’t run FROM God in these moments…run TO Him. Let Him break you. Let Him heal you.

Tim Fisher, Lead Pastor

January 16, 2022


Don’t just pray this dangerous prayer - respond to what God shows you. Embrace your deepest need and let it drive you to depend on Christ. Ask God to SEARCH you.

Jon Hauser, Guest Speaker & Pastor

January 9, 2022


Are you ready to step boldly into the calling God has for you? You might not be— and that’s OK. In this weekend’s message, you’ll see how you can pray the bold prayers to prepare you for what God has planned for you.

Dustin Wine, Mishawaka Campus Pastor & Youth Pastor

January 2, 2022