On our final week of our series Fruits, Pastor Tim helps us to understand that self-awareness comes with self control. Our fruits series concludes with this: is everything in my life surrendered to God?
Gentleness • August 1, 2021
On our second to last week of our Fruits series, Pastor Tim emphasizes the idea that meekness is not weakness.
Faithfulness • July 25, 2021
As we continue our Fruits series, Pastor Remington talks about living a life obedient and faithful to God. Living a life of faithfulness helps us to become more like Jesus.
Goodness • July 18, 2021
Are you living a life under the influence of the Holy Spirit? Pastor Jon Hauser helps us to understand the importance of living out the fruit of the spirit.
Kindness • July 11, 2021
Pastor Tim asks the important question: who in my life is desperate for kindness?
Patience • July 4, 2021
In week 4 of our series "Fruits," Pastor Tim emphasizes being patient in our adversity. Chicago Bears quarterback, Andy Dalton, speaks about being patient in his own adversities in part 2 of his interview with LaMorris Crawford.
Peace • June 27, 2021
For week 3 of our series, Pastor Tim asks the question: are you experiencing the peace of God in your life?
Joy • June 20, 2021
For Week 2 of our series, Pastor Tim helps us to understand what it means to have real joy in our lives, and helps us identify the difference between joy and happiness
Love • June 13, 2021
As we kicked off our new series Fruits, Pastor Dustin Wine taught us about the importance that love plays for all of the Fruits of the Spirit
Broken Dreams • June 6, 2021
As we wrap up our series, Family Reunion, Pastor Tim shares a special message and asks an important question: "what broken dream do you need to surrender to God?"