In week 4 of our series, Pastor Tim teaches us an important lesson about making sure that we're focusing on the things that really matter in life
Relationships • May 23, 2021
Relationships can get messy, but inviting Jesus into those relationships is always our best way of calming the chaos
Marriage • May 16, 2021
Crossroads welcomes special guests LaMorris & Megan Crawford to help us all understand God's vision for marriage
Parenting • May 9, 2021
This is Week one of our Family reunion series, and pastor Tim asks us How do I lead my family toward Jesus in times of chaos?
Hollow Worship • May 2, 2021
This is the final week of our What Would Jesus Undo series. Pastor Tim asks us What have we made Peace with? Pastor Tim also shows us the different ways that we can express worship.
Hypocrisy • April 25, 2021
It is Week 3, in our what would Jesus UNdo series. Pastor Marc Royer gives us two passages of scripture about Hypocrisy.
Spiritual Pride • April 18, 2021
It is week 2 of our What Would Jesus Undo series and Pastor Tim tells us Pride is about our Glory, Humility is about God's Glory.
Spiritual Indifference • April 11, 2021
This is week one of our new series What Would Jesus Undo? Pastor Dustin tells us Jesus is the truth and will always speak the truth. Pastor Dustin leaves us with an important question, Jesus is knocking for you - How will you respond?
Easter Sunday • April, 4 2021
Pastor Tim tells us that resurrection means that some things come back to life and some things stay in the grave. He asks us an important question which is, what things in our lives need to stay in the grave?
Awake • March 28, 2021
In our new series Awake and Alive, Pastor Tim tells us to WAKE UP! Salvation is here!