When we promise to confide in each other and not hide from each other, it sets the table for a honest and open relationship that is built on trust.
The Vow of PARTNERSHIP • March 6, 2022
Marriage is a covenant not a contract. Your marriage isn’t measured by your feelings. Marriage is measured by commitment.
The Vow of PURSUIT • February 27, 2022
I promise to always pursue my two. Closing the gap between intentions and actions.
The Vow of PRIORITY • February 20, 2022
God is your #1 and your spouse is your #2. Protect these priorities at any cost!
Welcome to the Party • The POWER of Jesus • February 13, 2022
Who you are right now, is not who you are relegating to be for the rest of your existence. Your life can be dramatically changed. There is hope, and there is hope in Jesus. You are being invited to experience a changed life!
Welcome to the Party • The PURPOSE of Jesus • February 6, 2022
Jesus really is the only thing that fills that void in our life. Jesus came so that we could live life to the fullest. You are living on purpose. Your identity is found in him. You are living with this hope for your eternal destiny of being with Him. There is nothing better than that. That's life to the fullest. Jesus is the answer to all life's deepest questions that we are searching for.
Welcome to the Party • The PERSPECTIVE of Jesus • January 30, 2022
God makes every single person so unique and special that they are an invaluable and priceless piece of His masterpiece and masterplan. Am I seeing outsiders the way that Jesus sees them?
Dangerous Prayers • SEND ME • January 23, 2022
We definitely need to pray prayers where we need Jesus to show up. Ask for His presence, His power and his Peace to intervene in our lives. But we shouldn’t stop there. Ask not what God can do for you, but ask God what you can do for him. What if we prayed, perhaps, the most dangerous prayer all? God, SEND me.
Dangerous Prayers • BREAK ME • January 16, 2022
Life’s greatest breakings often lead to God’s greatest blessings. In these stories with Jesus, something is broken so that something else can be released. Don’t run FROM God in these moments…run TO Him. Let Him break you. Let Him heal you.
Dangerous Prayers • SEARCH ME • January 9, 2022
Don’t just pray this dangerous prayer - respond to what God shows you. Embrace your deepest need and let it drive you to depend on Christ. Ask God to SEARCH you.