As we wrap up our series, Pastor Tim helps us to understand the importance of allowing God's love to permeate our hearts instead of allowing shame to overwhelm us
My Sins • October 25, 2020
Pastor Michelle Barnett continues our series and helps us to learn that we are not defined by our sins, instead we are defined by the love of God
My Scars • October 18, 2020
Pastor Dustin Wine kicks off our brand new series and helps us to learn that the scars of my past do not need to define my future
Unforgiving • October 11, 2020
In the final week of our Radioactive series, Pastor Tim helps each of us to learn the importance of forgiveness and the freedom that comes along with it
Unloving • October 4, 2020
As we continue on in our series Radioactive, Pastor Tim helps us to learn what love is and what it means to love God and to love others
Unholy • September 27, 2020
In week 2 of our Radioactive series, Pastor Tim explains that becoming holy in your life is a process that is embodied by becoming more like Jesus
Unthankful • September 20, 2020
In the first week of our series Radioactive, Pastor Tim helps us to learn just why unthankfulness undermines our faith and how it changes our lives when are thankful for the things that God has done, is doing, and is going to do
Best Weekend Ever • September 13, 2020
Special Guest Jon Hauser teaches more about Contributing to the Community
Best Weekend Ever • September 12, 2020
Special Guest Jon Hauser teaches more about Celebrating the Change
Best Weekend Ever • September 11, 2020
Special Guest Jon Hauser teaches more about Connecting With God