There are so many things to consider when getting a college degree. Affordability, academic quality, overall experience — the list goes on and on. Most people are looking for a high-quality education at an affordable price. That is why Crossroads Community Church has partnered with Olivet Nazarene University to launch ONU+ @Crossroads.
Earn a college degree from a university with an international reach right here close to home. ONU+ @Crossroads provides a fully accredited college degree from Olivet Nazarene University with the support of Crossroads Community Church.
Why Choose ONU+ @Crossroads?
Through ONU+ @Crossroads, you will earn a college degree while having the flexibility to remain at home and continue to work a part-time job.
Olivet Nazarene University offers discounted tuition to students at extension sites, allowing ONU+ to offer tuition at a much lower cost.
Up to three credit hours per semester will be given for practicum experience. This amounts to 8-10 weekly hours of firsthand leadership, ministry, and workplace experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
ONU+ is for all high school graduates and interested young adults who look to discover and embrace their God-given mission within a platform of vocational ministry or the marketplace.
Olivet accepts applications on a rolling basis. Student are admitted in either the fall (classes begin in August) or spring (classes begin in January) semesters.
Olivet Nazarene University will provide online courses for students, taught by Olivet professors.
There are four-year bachelor's degrees available from Olivet Nazarene University.
This program offers valuable life experience, leadership development, and practical training through opportunities to serve with a local business, ministry, or organization.
Yes, this program partners with Olivet Nazarene University. Olivet is a fully accredited institution authorized to award bachelor's and master's degrees, as well as a doctorate degree in leadership.